Document Type : Letter to Editor


MA student of philosophy, Allameh Tabatabai University


Aristotelian deduction rules, which are usually considered as “THE RULES OF THE CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISM” in the elementary logic text books, are proper tools which help beginners in logic to examine the validity of a categorical syllogism. Authors of Persian logic text books, influenced by the authors of English logic text books, rewrite these rules with only some minor changes and revisions in their books and apply them for the same aim. These revisions depend on many different factors including the authors’ personal interests and those English logic text books which were his main reference. The main aim of this article in the first step is to provide an analytical method for formalizing the rules of deduction which can lead us to find a mechanical and algorithmic method and in the next step, is to follow this computable and formal approach to analyze and criticize the deduction rules in Persian logic text books. In addition to categorizing “The rules of the categorical syllogism”, we will propose a new version of such formalized rules by appealing to the concept of “distribution”.
