Document Type : Translation & Critic


1 MA in Islamic Philosophy (Corresponding Author)

2 MA in Islamic Philosophy Corresponding Author)


Avicenna believes that existence is either objective or subjective. Indeed, in his view, the existent and object are never separated from each other and their discrimination is analytical and intellectual; existent and object are Mosaveqat. In other words, what is thing exists and what exists is an object. In contrast to the Islamic Theologians, the objecthood is wider than existence, because Sabetat about which we have knowledge do not exist; so there should be a kind of realization and permanency beyond the existence. In the current century, in the tradition of analytical philosophy, Nathan Salmon with Non-serious actualism approach and by using free logic believes that the object is what has property; either existent or nonexistent. The objecthood of object is based on having property, rather than the existence.


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