Document Type : Translation & Critic


. M.A in Philosophy of Logic, Allameh University


In Metaphysical Foundations of Logic, Heidegger analyzes Leibniz's doctrine of judgment down to basic metaphysical problems to show that how any kind of logic founds its grounds in metaphysics. After questioning the relation between being and thought, he describes the structure of judgment in Leibniz's theory of judgment and refers to its historical origin. He demonstrates that concepts like subject and predicate and their relation in proposition or judgment and also the definition of truth in Leibniz's thought are grounded in metaphysical theories. Yet one of the most important Leibniz's concerns was the independency of logic from metaphysics to build his metaphysics on the basis of such logic.


لایب‌نیتس، گتفرید ویلهلم (1375). منادولوژی، ترجمة یحیی مهدوی، تهران: خوارزمی.
Aristotle (1991). The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, two Vols., Jonathan Barnes (ed.), New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Shirley, Greg (2010). Heidegger and Logic, the Place of Logos in Being and Time, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
Heidegger, Martin (1984). Metaphysical Foundations of Logic, Trans. Michael Heim, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Heidegger, Martin (2010). Logic the Question of Truth, Trans. Thomas Sheehan, Indiana: Indiana University Press.