Document Type : Translation & Critic


1 Associate Professor at Philosophy, Logic department, ATU, Tehran

2 Ph.D Student in Philosophy of Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran,


According to Smith, Organon for Aristotle is a special means to demonstrate that first philosophy is possible. For him, it’s incorrect to think that the aim of Organon is the introduction of Aristotle’s methodological theories. In Posterior Analytics, Aristotle by a demonstration tries to show that an undemonstrative knowledge is necessary and sufficient condition for demonstrative knowledge (episteme). The aim of undemonstrative knowledge is the aim of first philosophy, that is, coming to the first principles of any science. Smith considers the demonstration in question depends on other Aristotle’s logical theories in Organon involving theories of definition, predication, dialectic, categories, and deduction. Furthermore, in the last section of Posterior Analytic, Aristotle expressing a process called Nous shows that coming to the undemonstrative knowledge is possible.
