Document Type : Translation & Critic


1 PhD student in philosophy, University of Isfahan

2 professor of philosophy department, University of Isfahan


This article studies the stoic logic and the interpretation of which presented in the first half of twenty century. Since the encounters of the first researchers of this period to stoic logic is based on the modern logic presuppositions, we have called this approach classic and have attempted to examine the interpretations that this approach have presented of the connectives of the logic, i.e. disjunction, conjunction, conditional, and negation. In the lights of new works on stoic logic, the defects of the classic reading of these connectives will be shown. In the end of the paper we will explain that the classic understating of negation and conjunction connectives is right according to truth table, even though doesn’t convey stoic concepts completely. We will also show that the classic understanding of disjunctive and conditional connectives is wrong in some cases.
