Document Type : Research


PhD Candidate of Philosophy, Isfahan University


In this paper, Avicenna’s disjunctive propositions are treated from multiple aspects. In the first section of this paper, disjunction propositions are considered in Shifā, and it shown that there are differences between Avicenna’s and later interpretations, e.g Rāzī interpretation, in this point. In the next section, two general interpretations about Avicenna’s disjunctive propositions are studied and we reveal deficiencies of them. Based on “Confilict” concept as the main core of Avicenna’s view on disjunction propositions, this paper specifies Relevent-Modal interpretation more precise than others but it doesn’t precisely coincide with Avicenna’s view. Finally an alternative interpretation is suggested with respect to Stopper view on Stoic conditional and we show that this interpretation also has deficiency but it formulates Avicenna’s disjunctive propostions better than others.


Main Subjects

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