Document Type : Research


department of philosophy, Faculty of literature and foreign languages, allameh TabaTabaei University, Tehran, Iran


When Saul Kripke published Semantical Analysis of Intuitionistic Logic I in 1965, all previous matters, Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation (BHK interpretation), topological interpretation, Beth models, were effected by its clarity and perspicuity and then it became the standard, easy to understand and quite useable semintics for intuition logic of the Brouwer-Heyting. Since then very much research, books and papers was done in to clarify, understand and facilitate the paper. Kripke wrote this paper while he was at the end of the decade of fertile thinking in modal logic and its semantical analysis and publishing very creative 6 papers that completely changed the insight of modal logic. In Semantical Analysis of Intuitionistic Logic I, for designing an analysis for semantcs of intuitionistic logic he used his own method in modal logic and Cohn’s, American mathematician, notion of forcing.
In this essay we are going to investigate the historiography and then translation it to Persian.


- اردشیر، محمد، 1384 منطق ریاضی، تهران: هرمس
- ________، 1387 فلسفه برآوئر، مارک فان آتن، تهران: هرمس
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