Document Type : Research


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Modares University. Philosophy Dep


Logical realism, in a sense, is realism about the subject matter of logic. What is logic really about? Talk of logic is more or less synonymous with talk of the relation of logical consequence; the relation that holds between the premisses of an argument and its conclusion. However, in the history logic, this has not always been the case. Before placing logical consequence at the heart of logic, the Frege-Russell view was dominant in the philosophical community; a view according to which logic is primarily about logical truths. In this paper, we argue that logic is about logical consequence and not logical truth. Then we list a couple of motivations for investigating a metaphysics of logic. Proponents of logical realism typically base their theories upon logical truths as logical facts. In this article, we aim to turn the emphasis from logical truths to logical consequence(s) as the primary object(s) of logical realism and give a general outline on how to be a realist about logical consequence.




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