Document Type : Research



In recent decades, formalization in mathematical structures has been developed in different areas with logical nature. These mathematical structures besides providing more precise and sufficient languages than natural ones, would be a base for constructing  assistant software in these areas.
One of these logic-nature areas is "osool'e fegh" which is the logic governing jurisprudential inferences in Islamic approaches.
Hence, a mathematical logic for "osool'e fegh" would provide  a useful device for both 'analyzing and comparison of jurisprudential inferences' and, 'designing assistant software'.
In this paper we introduce our mathematical logic approach to "osool' e fegh". We search a determining logic for "ossl'e fegh" in the formal logic context, as it is in fact the "logic of Fegh". After a survey on different meanings of "vajeb" and its properties, which is the basic deontic concept in "osool' e fegh" literature, we construct a formal language for "logic of Fegh" according to dynamic logic and formalize some jurisprudential rules in this language.


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