Document Type : Letter to Editor



In Organon, Aristotle treats predication exactly like affirmation. There exists no predication which is not affirmative. Negation in Organon is negation to the predication. When a quality is denied of an object, we are not faced with a kind of prediction. This paper attempts to prove that this Aristotelian view will lead to certain paradoxes which cannot be solved or answered through Aristotelian logic. However, finally, we prove that this Aristotelian notion is outright wrong and negative predication does not function like a deadlock in logic and it can be possible. Since, this article employs the method of Obversion and Aristotle defiantly rejects this method, to defend the methodology of this study, this Aristotelian view is analyzed and its falsity is displayed. In brief, the present article has the following claims:
1)- Predication and affirmation are not the same and negative predication also exists.
2)- Contrary to the views of almost all ancient logicians, Modified affirmative predicates are not really affirmative and they are negative.
3)- Obversion, is a true and usable method for the goals of old logic.
4)- Existential Import rule is true but incomplete, and its correct form can be as follows: "The attribution of a negative or affirmative judgment is subsidery to its proof." Therefore, any predication whether negative or affirmative cannot be operated on a non- existent entity and therefore negative Proposition with the Empty Subject are on the basis of their subjects false.
