Document Type : Letter to Editor


PhD student of philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University


Abstract: This article examines the concept of contradiction, law of non-contradiction and dialetheism in non-classical logic. The main purpose of this paper is examining different definitions of the concept of contradiction and the influence of such differences in accepting or rejecting the low of non-contradiction. Here I try to show, by appealing to an especial conception of contradiction, that how it is possible to make dialetheism plausible. In section 1, basic terms are introduced. Section 2 covers different definitions of contradiction. This section shows that according to diverse conceptions of contradiction, we could have different notions of dialetheism. In section 3, I review most important arguments of the proponents of the low of non-contradiction and try to refute them on the basis of the definitions of section 2. Finally it will be showed that new approaches to dialetheism is due to using semantic instead of ontology, multi-valued logic, vagueness and alternates theory of truth.
