Document Type : Research


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Easiness in teaching is one of the educational principles in science. Observance of this principle in discovering, defining, explaining, reasoning, and explaining the results, helps us to accelerate learning. Logic, which claims to measure and correct thought, Must be more observant of this principle than other sciences. But it seems that, the naming of modal proposition in traditional logic is less committed to this principle. This method of naming in the early stages of education, reduces the desire of the logic student to continue the discussion in modal Logic, and will lead to the isolation of modal Logic in traditional logic schools. So, the research question is: what is the critique of the traditional modal Logic method in naming modal proposition? And how can we change this method to make it easier to teach logic? In this article - analytically - we have criticized the naming method of modal proposition in traditional modal Logic. And we have shown that how can we use proper names in naming modal proposition. This way, reduced the difficulty of naming modal proposition in traditional modal Logic.


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