Document Type : Brief Research


university of Tehran


Non-contradiction Paradox that challenges the most impotant principle of knowledge, assuming that “the aggregation of the pair of contradictories is impossible” concoludes that that “the aggregation of the pair of contradictories is not impossible”. Mulla Sadra tries to solve the paradox by distinction between two type of predication called ‘awwali’ and ‘shayi’. He presupposes a subject-predicate structure in these proposisions. Denying such a presupposition, this article suggest another solution.
Non-contradiction Paradox that challenges the most impotant principle of knowledge, assuming that “the aggregation of the pair of contradictories is impossible” concoludes that that “the aggregation of the pair of contradictories is not impossible”. Mulla Sadra tries to solve the paradox by distinction between two type of predication called ‘awwali’ and ‘shayi’. He presupposes a subject-predicate structure in these proposisions. Denying such a presupposition, this article suggest another solution.
Non-contradiction Paradox that challenges the most impotant principle of knowledge, assuming that “the aggregation of the pair of contradictories is impossible” concoludes that that “the aggregation of the pair of contradictories is not impossible”. Mulla Sadra tries to solve the paradox by distinction between two type of predication called ‘awwali’ and ‘shayi’. He presupposes a subject-predicate structure in these proposisions. Denying such a presupposition, this article suggest another solution.


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