Document Type : Review


Imam Sadiq University


Definition and category of fallacies differs in works of philosophers and logicians. In this article after a short report of this issue, a new definition and category has been presented for fallacies and on this base, the role of ordinary argument or enthymematic has been highlighted. Enthymematic is an argument with one sentence as introduction from which the conclusion is achieved. As logicians say, major premise is omitted in enthymematic and in many cases it is for hiding the false of major premise. Because the mentioned point has example in many fallacies, the golden key for identifying fallacies is so designed: Reconstruction of the first argument, adding the major premise in form on a conditional proposition, generalizing the conditional proposition, and doubting about its truth. In continuation twenty examples have been chosen from books of teaching fallacies to show successfulness of golden key. Finally there is a list of more than fifty Identifiable fallacies whit this method, mentioning this important point that identifying fallacies with golden key has many advantages in comparison with the common method of introducing different fallacies one by one.


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