Document Type : Research


assistant profesor of payamnoor university


»Self« or »Ego« is amongst basis of philosophical an psychological thought. Philosopher and thinker of Humanities sciences Frequently, treated a bout its quality and entity so much. Edmund husserl, The Famous phenomenologian in contemporary world believe that, the »Ego« is center of cog native acts. One of the basic act that imputation to Ego, is vocal an expressional acts, and condition of get on this things. namly, that is »Self« or »Ego« can conceived like basis and core of cognation and conceived like busis and core of cognation and comucational instrument of environmental world. In other words, language and subjective analysis can assist it to knowing the thing of world and completed process of knowledge or not. Project of Husserlian Transcendental phenomenology, try to achive it's proper place by »Epoche «of physical and positivistic thought. For this, he analysed the relation of »Ego« and mind in transcendental Framework based on intentional character of consciousness. For this one of my relational implement is expression and speech. That He looked transcendental. In this reaserch we attempt that by analysis concept of transcendental Ego. For Husserl, investigate logical and expressional relation between subjectivity of Ego and world.


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