Document Type : Research


Graduate of level 3 of Imam Khomeini seminary, Tehran, Iran.


Allameh Tabatabai, in the definition of predication , considers predication an existential union between the subject and the predicate. In this union, the subject is an existence by itself and the predicate is a connective existence (towards the subject). Then on the division of prediction, he divides prediction to 1. Primary and essential predication 2. Common technical predication 3. Realty and attenuate prediction. In the first predication, an essence predicates on itself, in the second predication, an accident predicates on an underlying subject. In third predication, a caused predicates on its cause.
With a reflection on the topic of properties in analytical metaphysics and its relation to the philosophical foundations of Allameh Tabatabai, a serious conflict is established between the second predication and third predication. This conflict is resolved by providing a solution, but a second conflict arises. Finally, for the second conflict, the definition of predication must be changed. Therefore the “connective existence” must be changed to “relative existence”.


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