Document Type : Extension


Philosophical Logic, Department of Philosophy, Wisdom and Logic, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


From ancient Greece to the world today, the problem of induction has preoccupied the minds of thinkers, especially logicians and philosophers. The use of induction in various fields has multiplied the importance of the matter. There are different answers to this problem; Since induction has always been considered as another type of argument alongside deduction, and deduction is justified by almost all logicians, some have tried to justify induction as a deduction; On the other hand, some groups have tried to resemble deduction and induction by discrediting and taking the validity of deduction. Other people have taken a different view of the issue and some have ruled out the issue. In this article, while stating the problem and the answers are given to it and categorizing the contents, we will deal with an answer from the second group and present and translate an article by Susan Haack, which is about justifying deductive reasoning.
In her article, Susan Hawke, while expressing the challenges of induction, tries to contrast these challenges with deduction and show that deduction, like induction, has problems but has been freed from them by assuming some things, and he examines these presuppositions.


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