Document Type : Research


1 Department of Computer Science, Birjand University of Technology, Birjand, Iran

2 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


In the early 19th century, the ''principle of bivalence'' of the Aristotelian logic was challenged. Of course, Aristotle himself was questioned the applicability of this principle to propositions concerning future contingents, and he answered it via something like as modalities of possibility. However, Aristotle did not abandon the principle and it has not received much attention till the Renaissance. From Renaissance to the early 19th century, some philosophical considerations to this issue were developed. Rejecting the principle of bivalence implies alternative accounts of various kinds of logics such as many-valued logics in the context of logic. In this article, we first survey the development of many-valued logics by reviewing motivational ideas behind many-valued logics together with examining the aims and scopes of some of these logics. Then, we devote the rest of the paper to study various aspects of "truth value sets" and "interpretation of logical connectives" in many-valued logics to obtain a more comprehensive view on these logics.


اسلامی، ا. (1391)، منطق فازی و کاربردهای آن، انتشارات دانشگاه شهید باهنر کرمان.
خاتمی، س. م. ا. و پورمهدیان، م. (1398)، منطق پیوسته، منطق پژوهی، شماره 19، 89-120.
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