Document Type : Research


1 Assistant professor of philosophy, Motahhari University

2 Master of Allameh Tabatabai University


Although there are some differences about how to define or explain the concept of possibility, all ancient and recent logicians consider it as one of the modal operators in logic and philosophy. However, Kashi`s description of the concept is rather different. As a prominent student of Fakhr Razi, in “Hadaiq al-Haqaiq” he claims that other philosophers before him have defined possibility as denying the necessity of truth or falsehood of a proposition, though the consensus was on the denying of the necessity of the negative side. In this paper, by reviewing other philosophers` and logician`s ideas about the concept of possibility, we reflect on Kashi`s definition and claim that in this subject, he was under the influence of Fakhr Razi`s ideas in “al-Molakhas” and “Sharh Isharat”.


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