Document Type : Translation & Critic


Ph.D Doctorate in Philosophy of Logic, Tarbiat Modares University


In this article, a new definition of two concepts, i.e. Conceivability and Imaginability, is presented. First, the desiderata of a definition of Conceivability are given and by choosing two presuppositions, a theory about Conceivability is suggested. In this step, two strategies for the distinction between the process of Conceiving and Imagining is introduced and after scrutiny about these two strategies, positive definitions of the concepts Conceivability and Imaginability are presented. Second, by perusing the restrictions of Conceivability and by mentioning wide and narrow approaches, a negative definition of these concepts is given. Then, these two definitions are epitomized into one definition. After all, the article is ended by evaluating the capability of our theory about satisfying the desiderata.


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