Document Type : Research



Following Fakhr al-din Razi, Muslim logicians invented two technical terms: haqiqi and khariji propositions, which prima facia are absent from Aristotle’s works as well as from his ancient followers’. We show that although Aristotle used haqiqi propositions for his absolute syllogisms, he utilised khariji ones for his modal syllogisms. However, he has a passage that prohibits the use of khariji propositions in modal syllogisms. Now, what to do in regard to the conflict between this explicit passage and those many examples? Some contemporary commentators proposed the possibility that the passage is from his students. Anyway, Aristotle’s modal syllogisms are sensitive to the division of propositions into haqiqi and khariji, although we couldn’t find any historian of logic who investigated carefully and completely Aristotle’s syllogisms from this perspective.

Arisotole, haqiqi proposition, khariji proosition, modal syllogism.

Arisotole, haqiqi proposition, khariji proosition, modal syllogism.

Arisotole, haqiqi proposition, khariji proosition, modal syllogism.


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