Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of the Research Institute of Hikmat and Philosophy of Iran.



In this article, first we define a Kripke semantics for normal modal Logic with a binary operator and we introduce a system K^2 which is sound and complete for this semantics. Then, we will introduce two translations and show that binary normal modal logic K^2, and unary normal modal logic K, i.e. modal logic with one binary operator, are very closely related by these two translations. We call a translation a faithful interpretation if provability is preserved in both directions. So, with this terminology we will show that these two translations are faithful interpretation of K into K^2 and vice versa. A logic extending K will be a set of formulas containing K closed under its rules and uniform substitution. A logic extending K^2 is similarly defined. Finally, we will prove that the classes of logics extending K and K^2 are closely related as well and there is a 1-1-correspondence between the logics extending K and extending K^2.


Main Subjects


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