Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

2 Ph.D. student of Department of Philosophy and Theology, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences.



With regard to the division of carrying, into the primary essential predication and common technical predication , there have been differences of opinion in determining examples and matching with types, among others, there are opinions about the quality of predication the essentials together and on the essence. It is well-known that carrying genus and differentia on species of each other is a common technical predication. Allameh Tabatabai considers the predication of genus and differentia to each other common technical predication and the predication of genus and differentia to species as the primary essential predication, as some like Allameh Javadi Amoli have introduced the predication of genus and differentia to each other and the predication of genus and differentia to type as the primary essential predication. It is possible that Allameh Tabatabai's point of view may be criticized and challenged, but it seems that according to the basis of Allameh's point of view, the criticisms raised can be answered. In this article, while analyzing the basis of Allameh in predication the essentials on the essence, some problems raised at the level of the theory have been investigated.
Key words: Allameh Tabatabaei, primary essential predication common technical


Main Subjects

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