Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Payam Noor University,



The science of logic, with a history as long as human thought, was compiled by the Greek thinker Aristotle (322-384 BC) in separate books, and his early commentators divided it into nine parts under the title "Organon" and this work in the beginning of Islam was gradually translated into Arabic by Syriac Christians. Kennedy, Farabi and especially Avicenna converted Aristotle's nine-part logic into two parts with logical reasoning. By changing the position of chapters and content of logic based on scientific reasons, increasing and changing the topics related to categories, theorems, contradictions and reverse theorems, and dozens of other cases, they created a fundamental transformation in logic. Al-Ghazali is a follower of Ibn Sina in compiling his logic into two parts, but he is essentially an Islamic theologian and jurist, and he approaches logic with this attitude. In the interaction between Aristotelian logic and jurisprudence and Islamic principles, he presented logic with words, concepts, and practical examples of Islamic sciences and jurisprudence principles, and gave it a logical direction by reasoning and rationalizing the principles of jurisprudence, especially jurisprudence analogy. Gharali's logical and principled works are different from the works of the past, because in addition to using words in Islamic sciences that change logical concepts, he considers analogy and reasoning as the basis of logic, and he extracts analogy from the Qur'an and uses reasoning as the only means of understanding of the Qur'an. This article tries to describe this interaction with a descriptive-analytical method.


Main Subjects

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