Document Type : Research


PhD of Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


In spite of the completeness of modern propositional logic which is accepted by logicans, the compeletness of Stoic logic is a subject that is dubted. In this paper, aftet investigating various systems which are reconstructed by modern scholars for Stoic logic, the compeletness of these systems is studied and it is shown that these systems may not be satisfied Stoic standards for valid arguments. Therefore, it is wrong that the completeness of these systems is ascribed to Stoic logic. Finally, it is negated that Stoic logic is compeleted in this sense that all valid arguments may be reduced to “indemonstred”s and it is shown that in addition to “indemonstrated”s and arguments which may be reduced to “indemonstrated”s, There are some other arguments which are accepted by Stoics as valid


Main Subjects

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