Document Type : Translation & Critic


Assistant Professor, Allamah Tabatabai University


About 11 centuries after its emergence, Aristotle's Organon was translated into Arabic; and, based on such translations, scholars such as Farabi and Ibn Sina created logical works in the Islamic world.
Because of these works, logic emerged and flourished among Muslims. Through analysis and evaluation of the first translations of Organon, we may get familiar with, on the one hand, attention paid by Muslims to the Greek heritage in the first centuries of Islam and the extent of accuracy and correctness of such translations on the other. Abdolrahman Badawi has collected and edited the first Arabic translations of Aristotle's Organon together with Porphyry Isagoge in three volumes. When we compare the Arabic translation of Organon with the Greek text as well as English (Jenkinson), Persian (Adibsoltani) translations of the Prior Analytics (Book 2), we find almost 100 minor and major discrepancies. We have classified such discrepancies under shortages in translation, inconceivable Arabic, added phrases, changed examples, errors made in edition, and preference for the unoriginal text
