Document Type : Research


1 Post-doctoral researcher of philosophy, teacher of education

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran


R.M. Hare is the founder of moral prescriptivism school of thought in the twentieth century. The basis of this school is strongly connected to the actions of moral agents. In his first intellectual procedure, Hare expresses moral statements in the form of imperative sentences. According to him, as indicative statements have logical form, imperative sentences, also, get logicalized by the help of phrastic (descriptor) aspect, and as a result, they possess the principle of consistency (lack of contradiction), logical connectives, and inference. As such, by making moral sentences imperative, Hare’s prescriptivism school of thought eliminates shortcoming of the lack of practical aspect in morality in which naturalists and intuitionists were captive. On the other hand, by the logicalizing imperative sentences, he refuses unreasoned views of sentimentalists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .


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