Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Contemporary Wisdom, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.



Since the Elements of Philosophical Logic, written by Dr. Lotfollah Nabavi, is the first Persian book in the difficult area of philosophical logic, it is not flawless supposedly. So, we have tried in this paper to criticize the writer’s own specific views in the book. In the Tense logic chapter, for example, he falsely considers the Avicennian permanence inevitably general than the necessity because of neglecting the distinction between the eternal necessity and the essential necessity and the division of the latter to temporal and atemporal. In Epistemic logic, he falsely attributes the negative introspection to Socrates and neglects that the positive introspection is counter–intuitive and suffering from the infinite regress. In Free logic, he wrongly considers the existence predicate incompatible with the logical rules of Aristotelians and regards its use in syllogism to be problematic. In addition, problems such as repetition, contradiction, obversion rule, and proposition’s having two components can also be responded in the existence predicate. Some of the author's own answers and resolutions are also problematic: the problem of non-comprehensiveness; the problem of unity of meaning in "existent" and "real"; and the problem that converting a proposition such as "there is no impossible in essence/by means of the other" to "no impossibility is in essence/by means of the other" is not truth-maintainer. In Relevant logic, many of the author's phrases in explaining that Paraconsistency does not result in Dialetheism are controversial as well.


Main Subjects

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