Document Type : Research


Amiralmomenin Howzeh, Tehran



The Muslim logicians have described the necessity term in the necessity signification as three different levels: The absolute necessity, The evident necessity as its general term, and the evident necessity as its specific term. Using the descriptive analytical method, this journal has proved that by conditioning these levels, this signification wouldn't include six groups of concepts: 1- external non-necessary concepts 2- non-predicated concepts 3- particular concepts 4-separable accidents 5- non-evident(as its general term) necessary accidents 6- non-evident(as its specific term) necessary accidents that are not evident accidents(as its general term). These concepts can't be included in expression signification as well because they wouldn't be placed in the signification of complete or partial accord. The logicians' models for a bipartite division of expression signification aren't flawless and don't point out a solution for the universality of the division. Therefore, this journal has introduced a new division for expression signification in which the third group(after two groups of complete and partial accord significations) is called "external signification" and it includes the signification of necessity as its subsequent.


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